Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hallow's Eve 2009

previously on the Superfriends!

Christy: ok, Brian are you ready for our Halloween dress up day?
Brian: that is today?
Christy: yes, tomorrow is Halloween!
Brian: ok, help me get into my Batman costume..

*at the Buck residence*
Rohan: I'm not going as a dead deer..
Mandy: oh Ro, it will be fun!
Rohan: why did Brian get to pick our outfits this year anyways?
Mandy: well it is on page 41 of his creative clause contract.
Rohan: (in a huff) I'm going back to Australia!

Halloween preshow meeting.
Brian: ok lets get a good look at the costumes to make sure they pass the mustard.
Christy: Troy is not here yet!
Brian: well sweetheart, he was given a few extra minutes to finalize his costume. ok crew explain who you are and why.
Christy: who we explaining to, we aren't on the air yet!
Brian: just roll with it ok!
Mandy: I'm Dwight Schrute from The Office.
Rohan: I'm dressed as dead deer with complete blood stains...
Brian: I'm Batman!
Christy: I'm Xena the Warrior Princess!
Troy: (running into the studio) I'm Mr. Hotdog, complete with mustard and footlong hotdog.
Mandy: (vomits on her Dwight Schrute shirt)
Trey: I'm a police officer.. (pow pow)
Brian: see, isn't this great?

the Munsters theme song is heard eerily playing in the Superfriends studio!
Brian: welcome to a hair raising and goose bump inducing edition of the Superfriends.
Mandy: ok, I got the upchuck off my shirt. I knew I shouldn't have had strawberry waffles this morning.
Christy: Mandy, we are on the air!
Troy: remember the red light means we are on live!
Mandy: dangit!
Brian: anyways, on today's show, we will talk about the history of Halloween, a scary good win by the Cowboys this past weekend and tricking and treating.
Troy: hey bud, but that is only one sports topic, shouldn't we have a few more?
Brian: well Troy, tomorrow is Halloween and I thought we could deviate a little here.
Christy: good idea there hon, I have some great info on the evolution of Halloween.
Brian: babe, I don't believe in evolution so lets stay on topic...
Christy: (smacks forehead)
Mandy: (in full Dwight regalia including tan shirt, khaki pants and nerd glasses) Fact! Halloween was invented by the devil.
Brian: (in full Batman disguise) Holy Moly Mandy, you are grossly misinformed.
Trey: (in full police officer get-up) I think Halloween is a marketing ploy to get people to buy candy for their kids and in return make them fat and out of shape!
Christy: (in complete Xena attire) Trey, that is the most ridiculous thing I have heard since the making of this fake radio show.
Brian: Jeepers Creepers, what is going on here!
Mandy: Fact! Halloween is a satanic holiday pushed by the occult!
Troy: (in full footlong hotdog wear) this has turned into a trainwreck of epic fail!
Mandy: (is seen playing with her Dwight Schrute bobblehead doll)
Christy: why does it smell like blood in here!
Rohan: (gets up from eating deer jerky, in full dead deer costume accompanied by real live blood) what?? I was told to wear this!!!
Mandy: Fact! Brian told him to wear that outfit...
Trey: (twirling his gun) why do you keep saying fact?
Brian: Trey, do you not watch The Office?
Trey: no, I work for a living!
Christy: well, I think we should call it a wrap, we do have a costume party to get to. thank the Lord!
Troy: I can't make it!
Brian: why not? it will be fun...
Troy: well for starters, I am not showing up at a party wearing a hotdog suit.
Mandy: yeah, you look kind of ridiculous!
Troy: this coming from someone dressed as Dwight Schrute!
Rohan: I need a bath! (wiping blood off his face)
Christy: ok, well see you guys tonight! (ends the show with the Xena yell!)

*after the show*
Brian: Christy, we are still going trick or treating tonight, right?
Christy: only for a little while! (why am I even here)

Mandy: Rohan, I kind of liked dressing up as Dwight, makes me feel smart!
Rohan: I need a bath!

Troy leaves the studio and gets assaulted by juveniles throwing mustard and ketchup packets at him, but Trey is there to assist his good buddy by arresting them!

movie fone guy: join us next time on 93.8 the Superfriends as we detail the fallout from Halloween 2009. will Brian get to go trick or treating? will Rohan take a bath? will Mandy continue to feel smarter by impersonating Dwight? all answers and more on the next installment of the Superfriends!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

previously on the Superfriends:

Christy: hon, I'm getting tired of doing this fake radio show!
Brian: I'm sorry, what can I do to help?
Christy: well for starters, we can not do the show!
Brian: you think you have all the answers??? (storms out of the room)
Christy: my life is an utter failure...

8:33 a.m. preshow meeting.
Brian: I have a new show idea for today!
Christy: we are not doing the show live from Cowboys Stadium!!
Brian: Christy my delirious yet beautiful wife. that is not my idea for today's show, that will happen soon enough.
Mandy: well we are not doing it from Mercado Juarez either!! my butt still hurts something fierce from the last time we went.
Brian: that's not the idea either my trusted yet tiny sidekick.
Troy: boss, should I tell them?
Brian: no, chief, I'll do the honors. today's show will be all girl inlcusive. no guys will be on the show!
Christy: and what made you come up with this pretty genius idea?
Brian: well actually us guys will be taking in a round of 18 at the local golf course.
Mandy: hahahaha, Rohan can't because we have lunch plans...
Rohan: (coming in the door with golf clubs in hand) Mandy, I can't do lunch today!
Mandy: why not you promised???
Rohan: well it wouldn't be an all girl show if I was hanging around.
Troy: well....
Rohan: shut up Troy!
Brian: this way, us guys will have a guys day out and you ladies will direct and host the show.
Christy: wait minute, you don't even know how to play golf!
Brian: shhhhhh, what my dear wife meant to say was, I'm still in my learning stages.
Troy: this will be like taking candy from a baby.
Mandy: are you guys gambling?
Brian: of course not! (nervously looking over at Troy and Rohan)
Christy: don't you need another player to round out the group?
Troy: yes, we have recruited Trey. he will team with Brian.
Brian: Trey doesn't play golf either?
Mandy: well have fun with all that. we have show to run!

Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix is waffling through the Superfriends studio. (in mid song, Christy replaces Voodoo Child with Work What You Got by Mary J. Blige) *Christy hi-fives Mandy*
Christy: welcome one and all to another rousing edition of the Superfriends.
Mandy: today should be a good show!
Christy: why yes it should, we are going all girls all the time today. no men on the program. Mandy, will you explain what are male counterparts are doing today!
Mandy: they are out playing golf, or what I call timewasting...
Christy: on the show today we will talk sports from a females perspective, the roles women play in athletics and why men dominate sports on t.v.
Mandy: very hot and controversial topics!!
Christy: the phones are ringing off the hook, lets take a few before we get started.
Mandy: line 1, go ahead.
line 1 caller: hey girls!
Christy: O hi mom! thanks for calling in.
Mandy: hi Mrs. Robinson...
line 1 caller: I hear the boys aren't on today. what gives?
Christy: well, they are taking a guys day out and we are running things today.
Mandy: well actually we run things everyday but we don't tell the boys.
Christy: touche'.
line 1 caller: well, I like hearing what the guys have to say, I mean, they talk sports and all that that implies...
Christy: mom! quit taking their side, we get an opportunity to host the show today, be supportive!
line 1 caller: I'm always supportive, I'm just saying...
Christy: ok, mom, I know what you are saying. we got move this along ok!! have a good day ok, love you!
line 1 caller: one more thing... (click-dial tone)
Mandy: look another call, lets take it real quick.
line 2 caller: hey girlies, Jesus loves you!
Mandy: hi mama, I thought you were in class?
line 2 caller: I was but I took a test today and I got out early. I'm making ding dong cake. do the boys want to come over and have some?
Christy: well actually they aren't here today, we are running things.
line 2 caller: O my! where are they?
Mandy: mama it is ok, we know what we are doing. we are still talking sports and the like. I'll tell them about the cake when they get in.
line 2 caller: ok, well I gotta go my chocolate is starting to burn.
Mandy/Christy: bye!
Christy: do we dare take one more call?
Mandy: sure.
line 3 caller: (in very hushed tones) Christy, help!!
Christy: Brian, is that you?
line 3 caller: (whispering) yes its me, I've lost $25 in two rounds already.
Mandy: *giggles*
Christy: hon, we aren't made out of money!!
line 3 caller: (barely speaking) I know I know! I have to run, Trey is coming back with the chili-cheese footlong hot dogs..
Mandy: (vomits on her mic)
Christy: (yells) don't spend all my money!!!!
Mandy: how cool was it that our moms called in?
Christy: yeah real cool... lets get on with the show!

-on the golf course-
Troy and Rohan have money hanging from their pockets.
Trey is digging for his ball in the sand.
Brian is holding his butt and running to the bathroom.

moviefone guy: join us next time as recap the All Girls All the Time Edition of the Superfriends. did Brian make it in time to the bathroom? did Trey find his wayward golfball? How much money did Troy and Rohan really make?
all that and more on 93.8 the Superfriends...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Homage to a Friend!

previously on the Superfriends:

Christy: ok, Brian, tomorrow is Mandy's birthday.
Brian: so, I guess we need to get her some kind of gift?
Christy: yes, I was thinking of something she could use, not a gift card.
Brian: I bet she needs another bucket of tuna!
Christy: ummm no, probably not..
Brian: How about State Fair tickets?
Christy: how about some perfume and something from Sam Moon?
Brian: tuna is cheaper!

8:45 a.m. preshow meeting
Christy: ok guys, I have an idea on how to celebrate Mandy's birthday!
Brian: I thought we did that yesterday?
Christy: no, we bought her gifts yesterday. (smacks forehead)
Rohan: well, I already did the flower thing and I plan on taking her out to her favorite restaurant.
Brian: (leans over to Rohan) don't take her anywhere they serve tuna.
Troy: *giggles*
Christy: Brian, did you get her tuna after I explicity told you not too?
Brian: what, she likes it!
Troy: (seen taking the gift of tuna that he bought for Mandy and putting it under his desk)
Christy: ok ok, does everyone understand the plan?
crew: yes!

blasting through the airwaves welcoming the Superfriends is The Hokey Pokey by Al Tabor.
Christy: (fuming) why was Hillsong United not played? (looking around)
Brian: ummm, er, well, I told Troy to press play.
Troy: dude, you said this was better and to play.............
Brian: what my good friend meant to say was.............
Christy: we'll discuss this later!
Rohan: hey cool song, but not the one we planned on.
Christy: sorry Ro, my hubby thought this would be funny.
Rohan: well it wasn't!!
Mandy: (getting settled in her chair) hey guys, I'm digging the new song.
Brian: (sticks his tongue out a Christy)
Christy: well, we have a awesome show today!
Brian: yes we do. we'll be talking all things Cowboys, Stars and OU/UT weekend.
Troy: plus, we have some great news.
Christy: tap the brakes my little rotund friend. we don't want to let the cat out of the bag!
Troy: what cat? I'm talking about the triatholon that I will be training for.
Mandy: (guffaw, snort, laugh, teetee) you train?
Brian: well actually, I'll be training with him!
Rohan: (looks on enviously)
Christy: well that is great and all but I'm talking about a special birthday amongst the crew.
Mandy: (clapping uncontrollably)
Brian: Christy, I bought the candles and the fire extinguisher. (hi-fives Troy)
Mandy: well, if that was a joke, and I don't know if it was, it was not funny. plus, you're older than me anyways!
Rohan: this has broken down into a cluster...
Christy throws it to a commercial break and unleashes something awful on Brian and Troy.
Brian and Troy looked on horrified at what Christy is saying to them. Brian and Troy mingle to each other that they didn't know Christy knew such foul language.

*back from break*
Brian: hey guys, we have a special caller on the Whataburger "thats how you like it" guest hotline. caller go ahead!
caller: (in a very heavy southern accent) happy birthday to my beautiful daughter, Mandy!
Mandy: awwwww momma, thank you very much!
caller: I just wanted to wish a very happy birthday and see if you wanted to come over and eat some dingdong cake?
Rohan: (butts in) we'll be there! what time?
Mandy: momma, I'll be over after the show. bye!
caller: Jesus loves you!
Brian: very cool, I love dingdong cake as well.
Christy: well hon, you have some triatholon training remember?
Brian: (schlumps shoulders)
Rohan: lets get to the gifts shall we...
Brian: wait! I had a story about the big OU vs. UT game this weekend.
Christy: well it is gift time for Mandy! go share your story with Troy! (hi-fives Mandy)
Rohan: (lugs the gifts in)

Mandy: (destroys any and all wrapping paper) oh looky, I have some perfume and tube socks! thanks Christy!
and I got the complete Seinfeld box set and the Dirty Dancing behind the Scenes DVD! thanks Rohan!
Brian: (comes running in slopping tuna everywhere) here ya go Mandy! a fresh bucket of tuna!
Mandy: umm thanks... I'll put it in the fridge next to last years bucket.
crew rushes out to what the commotion is.
Troy is laying butt up covered in tuna.
Brian: dude, beat you, I already gave it to her.
Rohan: lets go Mandy, it is time to celebrate your birthday and go eat some dingdong cake!
Christy catches a ride with Rohan and Mandy while Brian and Troy clean up the tuna.

*Station Announcement* From all of us here at the Superfriends, we would like to congratulate Mandy on her 35th birthday.

movie fone guy: join us next time as we recap Mandy's halfway to 70 birthday! did Brian clean up the tuna in time to meet up Rohan/Mandy/Christy? is Troy recovered from his tuna mishap? all these questions and more will be answered next time on 93.8 the Superfriends!