Wednesday, August 10, 2011

End of an Era?

*it has been almost a year since we last heard from the Superfriends*

while digging through piles of dirty clothes, I have unearthed audio which sounds like the last days of the Superfriends broadcast!

Mandy: Rohan, where is my bucket of tuna??
Rohan: Mandy, we are not packing tuna to take with us to Australia!!
Mandy: (looking confused) yes, yes we are...
Rohan: ummmm, no we aren't! they have tuna in Australia.
Mandy looks for her tuna bucket...

-meanwhile at the Peters/Robinson residence-
Brian awakes from his sleep to a bountiful heap of kittens
Brian: arghhhhhhh! what the ................
Christy: (comes running in the room) what happened? did you fall off the bed again?
Brian: (looking unamused) no! what is this? (pointing to the 2 little hair balls of kittens)
Christy: (kicking the ground with her foot) what? these cute little guys??
Brian: yes! where did they come from?
Christy: babe, if I have to explain where kittens come from then......
Brian: not funny! we are not keeping kittens here??
Christy: (makes a sound never ever heard before) YES WE ARE!
Brian looking over at these 2 mops of mess as they bat playfully at each other
Brian: (looking at his beautiful wife) ok.....
Christy: yippee! (does the happy dance)

-meanwhile back at the Buck residence-
Rohan: Mandy, does Brian still have my basketball?
Mandy: yes, remember that was the prize when ya'll played last!
Rohan: ok, ok! don't have to rub it in.
*phone rings*
Mandy: (picks up phone) hello!
on the other end is Christy
Christy: helloooo ledddeee! can you believe this is our last fake radio show??
Mandy: (all verklempt) I know.. and we are moving back to Australia!
Christy drops the phone and stands in silence
Mandy: hello, hello, Christy!!
*dialtone is heard*

approximately 10:47am
final pre-show run through

Brian: everyone here??
Mandy: well, Rohan went to go buy another basketball.
Christy: hey Brian, did you hear something?
Brian: hon, that is Mandy talking.
Mandy's jumping up and down, wondering why Christy didn't hear her or see her even though she has phone book to sit on
Christy: can we get on with this, I have some really money to make!
Mandy's still waving at Christy
Brian: Mandy, she is ignoring you!
Mandy slumps in a heap and eventually slides of the phone book onto the floor
Brian: ok, guys where is Troy? we can't do our final show without my trusted longtime friend.
Mandy: yes we can!
Christy is busy throwing darts at her Glenn Becksized poster
unbeknowing to the crew, Troy has tweeted that today he will not be coming to the finale.
his twitter handle is, #youcan'thandlethis. it tweets that he will be having lunch at the new In N' Out burger in Ft. Worth.
Mandy: but that doesn't open til September!
Mandy looks up the exact date of the opening and notices a story about a line already forming.
Brian: well, we will just have to make do!

*blasting through the sun baked studios is Jimi Hendrix's VooDoo Child*
Brian: welcome one and all to the last edition of the Superfriends 93.8.
Christy is seen pulling the darts out of Beck's face on her wall poster
Brian: on tap today, we have social media in sports, the upcoming Cowboys season and kitten talk.
Mandy: kitten talk??
Christy: kitten talk!!! I'm on it.....
Brian: well, while Christy gets her material together, lets take a few phone calls, shall we.
Mandy: line 1, you're on...
line1: hey Mandy, please turn your cell phone on, I have been trying to call you. our plane leaves earlier than I thought!!
Mandy: Rohan!! are you serious??? I'm on my way...
Brian: wait, what about the sho......
Mandy: sorry, I have to go, we can't miss our flight!
Mandy is seen running out of the studio with tuna bucket in hand, yelling out for Rohan, that she is on her way.
Christy is now ready for kitten talk.
Brian: babe, can we postpone this please. Mandy and Rohan are gone. Troy is AWOL.
Christy: wait!! did you have me get all these pictures and whatnot of these cute little kittens and now I'm being told to wait???
Brian: (defiantly) yes!
Christy leaves in a huff, looking at her kitty pictures and heads home to snuggle up to her 2 new baby kittens....

Brian is left all alone with none of his *Superfriends* not knowing that it would end like this...

not wanting to go out in a whimper, he reaches for his stash of Metallica cd's and plays them violently as he eats left over spaghetti.

-all that can be heard is Metallica's Sad But True.....

goodnight Canada!

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