Friday, June 19, 2009

The Memory Remains

previously on the Superfriends:

Mandy: Rohan, I think I get it now, can I come out of my room?
Rohan: tell me the difference?
Mandy: The Office is a t.v. show and Office Space is a movie!
Rohan: good job Mandy! can we eat dinner now I'm famished!
Mandy: (trudges off to the kitchen)
Rohan: (sits comfortably in his australian love seat)

meanwhile at the Peters/Robinson residence:
Brian: (opening the refridgerator door) Christy, did you drink all of the tea????
Christy: I sure did!
Brian: ok, just wondering! (schlumps his shoulders)

9:32 a.m. preshow meeting
Scott: ok guys, I have big news!
crew: (collective gasp!)
Mandy: (clapping her hands) is it, your leaving for a better job and tan?
Scott: no! who are you?
Mandy: (clapping her hands even more rigorously) is it, you've been fired and replaced by Patrick Swayze?
Christy: (awakens from her slumber) Patrick Swayze, where????
Scott: son of a...................... will you just listen? I have been fired and replaced by someone very familiar!
Brian: ummmmm, what does this mean for our show?
Christy: (in a child-like whisper) hopefully it means we can get real jobs!!!!
Brian: what was that?
Scott: I''ll break the news as to who it is at the end of the show.

10;55 a.m. on the Blowhards
MushMouth Josh: the correct answer was herpes...
DK: (giggle)
MushMouth Josh: thanks to all the callers for playing, "What STD was that!"
DK: yes, this was way better than a story from Trey.
MushMouth Josh: shush! DK, we can't mention his name for 30 days due to his contract stipulations.
Christy: ok guys, that was a wheels off game but it was fun nonetheless!
DK: looks like it is time for the bell cow of the station to take to the radio airwaves.
Mandy: hey guys, why is our e-mail in-box full of medical pictures of the human privates?
Brian: good grief, is that a.................?
MushMouth Josh: ok well, what do we have on the show for today?
Mandy: well we'll debut our new segment called Tuesday's with Rohan.
DK: (looking at everybody) isn't today Thursday?
Christy: actually on the show, we will have trail running talk, weight loss talk and maybe delve into some sportsy sport talk!
Brian: well I know one thing, I'll have a tall glass of te................ I mean I hope there is some tea to drink.
Christy: today's MixN'Mingle is brought to you by Ozarka bottling company.
MushMouth Josh: ok, well ya'll have a dandy of a time. (furiously deleting the show e-mail in-box)

Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix is heard waffling through the cool 68' studios.
Brian: welcome one and all. it is time for the controversial yet magnificent Superfriends on 93.8.
Christy: why is it so cold in here? (shivering)
Brian: dear, its not that cold. (throws her a UT blanket)
Mandy: what do we have on the show today, Brian?
Brian: glad you asked my confused long suffering co-host. on the show today we will glaze over trail running, weight loss talk and then dive right into a very important and long conversation of the talk of sport and its affect on society.
Mandy: my run sheet says nothing of the sort?
Christy: Mandy, today is Thursday, so we will not have Tuesday's with Rohan.
Mandy: why not? (honestly looking perplexed)
Christy: ummmm, because it is Thursday and that wouldn't make any sense.
Brian: hey, we have a caller on the Superfriends hotline!
caller go ahead.
hotline caller: hey guys it is me, Troy!
Brian: my man Troy!
Mandy: (vomits down her shirt)
hotline caller (Troy): I'm a new dad. her name is Morgan Ava Matheny!
Christy: awwww, Troy, that is awesome!
Mandy: (cleaning up said vomit, only to upchuck again at the thought of Troy procreating)
Brian: well, when do we get to see her and when will you be back for work?
hotline caller (Troy) oh, you haven't heard? we will be moving to Kenya and living with the fam!
Christy: really????? (longs for the day of travel)
Brian: you mean, you won't be here no more?
Mandy: yippeee! (miraculously cleans all the vomit off her shirt)
Brian: wow, bro, that is some serious news! ummmm, hope you have a good time.
hotline caller (Troy): have they told you who is replaci........................
Mandy: awww man, I think we lost him.
Christy: Mandy, did you hang up on him?
Mandy: (slowly moving her pinkie away from the hang-up button), no!
Scott: hey guys, I'm here with some big news!
Brian: I think we already know..
Scott: you do???? how??? I haven't told a soul.
Christy: it's not Troy leaving the show and moving to Africa?
Scott: what the hell?
Mandy: hey now no need for cussing!
Scott: (looking over at Mandy with confusion as to who she is) no, I'm leaving this gosh forsaking place and your new boss is....................
Rohan comes sauntering in with full australian regalia and smugness......
Christy: you can't be serious!!!!!
Brian: what in the world???
Mandy: the Lord has shown himself to be real and there is no place like home!
Rohan: yes boys and girls, I'm the new boss!
Christy: (seen crying a river of tears)
Scott: had fun and all but I had to make like eggs and scram....
Rohan: my first order of business is to hire Trey in place of Troy.
Brian: you can't do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm the host of this show.
Mandy: you mean co-host!
Rohan: well we have some talking to do. (rubbing his hands together)
ok, Christy, throw it to network and all of you guys meet me at David's BBQ at 12:30 sharp.
Christy: (throws it to network) do we even have a network to throw it too?

moviefone guy: join us next time on the Superfriends 93.8 the Crowsfeet.
after the show, Brian and Christy console each other with the thought of Rohan being there boss!
On the way to David's BBQ, Mandy is seen driving Rohan, as Rohan sits in the back reading the New York Times.
Mandy: (thinks this will be great)

on the next edition- what will they eat at David's BBQ, what will Brian and Christy do now? will things be great, as Mandy so excitingly hopes???????????


Running the streets and trails of Dallas, Texas! said...

Omg WHO drinks up the tea???

you'd better not have me losing my job, mister.

Rvidaurri said...

I LOVE IT! Laughed out loud.

Mandy said...

That is excellance itself :) Rohan will be so happy....