Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Unforgiven

previously on the Superfriends:
(on the way to work)
Christy: Brian, do you love me?
Brian: of course I do!
Christy: answer the question, do you really love me?
Brian: (looking dumbfounded) I said..... yes, I love you!
Christy: (head in hand)

9:57 a.m. preshow meeting:
Brian: we need to discuss a myriad of topics on the show today, I need everyone's full attention.
Christy: you always have my attention. (swatting Brian on the booty)
Mandy: ok ok, enough of the PDA, what are we 12? by the way, where is Troy?
Brian: you haven't heard, he is on paternity leave.
Mandy: he had a kid?????? I knew he was pregnant.
Christy: ummmm, his wife was pregnant and he now gets 3 weeks off.
Mandy: 3 weeks!!!!!! (dialing up Rohan)
Rohan: Mandy, I'm right here.
Brian: yes you are Rohan. everyone, Rohan will fill in for Troy occassionally and have a segment on Tuesday's call Tuesday's with Rohan.
Mandy: why didn't you tell me?
Christy: can ya'll discuss and argue later.
Brian: yes, we have to talk about Broken Finger Inc. calling off the production of the movie.
Mandy: ummmmm, er, why?
Christy: seems like someone called and complained about a certain actress portraying herself.
Scott: %!*?, who did it?
entire crew except Mandy: (points at Mandy)

10:57 a.m. on the Blowhards
MushMouth Josh: hahahahahaha, Trey, you crack me up with these adolescent yet gold stories from your youth.
Trey: well they are true but I have other stories to tell besides these. I would like to tell them if........
MushMouth Josh: well Trey, we have to space out your segments b/c we don't want to tire your usefulness.
DK: (looks on terrified)
Trey: I don't understand, I was told I was coming on here to lift ratings out of the gutter and add some pizzazz to this show.
DK: well, lookey here guys, it is time for the Superfriends show. (wiping sweat from his brow)
MushMouth Josh: yes, yes it is time. welcome Superfriends!
Trey: (seen leaving in a huff)
Brian: well seems like you guys are getting along just nicely. (seen giving Rohan an air high-five)
Rohan: (has a puzzled look on his face)
Brian: (whispers) hurry back Troy!
Mandy: what was that Brian?
Brian: I said, this show is a joy!
Christy: today's Mix N' Mingle is brought to you by the friendly folks of the Katy Trail. Go Katy Trail runners!
MushMouth Josh: so what is on the show today?
Mandy: well we get to discuss a new and exciting segment that will awe inspire you, Tuesday's with Rohan!
Brian: also, but more importantly we will fill everyone in on the whereabouts of Troy and the latest on the movie.
Mandy: (vomits uncontrollably)
Christy: well we are up against it so we better go.
DK: ok have a good show and btw, Christy, I left a chocolate chip cookie on your desk cubicle.
Christy: o goodie! (chair is spinning out of control)

Jimi Hendrix Voodoo Child is thrashing through the studios as the Superfriends is brought to life for another side splitting hair raising edition.
Mandy: (tapping on her mic) are we on yet?
Brian: yes that is why the little red light in on! (dangit)
welcome one and all it is a ripe 11:21 a.m. and it is time for the Superfriends on 93.8 the Crowsfeet.
Christy: (freshly back from her devastation of the aforementioned cookie) why are 21 minutes late?
Brian: well someone had to go eat a cookie and Mandy didn't know what the red light meant?
Christy: what does the red light mean?
Brian: awe sweety, it means we are on the air.
Mandy: ugghhh, you called me a bozo but Christy is sweetie?
Brian: well we are married! anyways, on with the intro's of the crew: doing dual duties, program directing and technical directing, is my strong with words wife Christy. Debuting with a segment and on his second to last chance Rohan. Cohosting and whipping us with her backwoods Australian stories from days gone by is Mandy.
Christy: I'm doing dual duties????
Brian: yes my love, remember Troy is on paternity leave.
Mandy: why couldn't you do his duties?
Brian: I'm the main host, I mean I'm a busy man.
Christy: ok ok, lets get this rolling.
Brian: yes, on the show today we will update everyone on why Troy is missing and give updates on our fledgeling movie.
Mandy: didn't you just tell everyone why Troy is missing?
Brian: yes Mandy, in radio it is called a tease. (to make the audience wait longer during the show)
Mandy: I don't get it?
Rohan: (leans over and explain to Mandy)
Brian: ok Christy, explain to our faithful listening masses about why the absence of Troy.
Christy: his wife had a baby.
Brian: ummm dear, can you give some more details.
Christy: (whispers, why I am here) ok, ummm Troy's wife did all the work and delivered a baby. 7lbs. 3 ounces and 20 inches long. is that better?
Brian: much!
Rohan: (raises his hand) when do I come on?
Mandy: babe, you don't have to raise your hand.....
Rohan: (gives Brian the evil eye for telling him to raise his hand when he wants to speak)
Brian: giggles..
Christy: ok, can we talk about the upcoming/delayed/canceled movie.
Brian: yes my little chicken nugget, thanks for asking.
it seems like our little movie has been shelved for the time being!
Christy: you mean canceled!
Mandy: well not canceled as in production won't start.
Christy: huh?
Brian: well we are still in negotiations on who will play Mandy.
Rohan: (raises......) Mandy, I thought you said Jenna Fischer was going to play you?
Mandy: who?
Christy: well actually it was going to be Rachel Dratch, but it seems like for some reason Mandy had a problem.
Mandy: who is Jenna Fischer?
Brian: OMG!!!!! she plays on the Office!
Mandy: I thought Jennifer Aniston was in that.
Rohan: Mandy, lets go collect our thoughts.
Christy: well, we are still in developmental stages, so all is not lost.
Brian: actually, you me and Scott have to fly to New York and meet with the producers and try to get our movie up and running again.
Christy: we get to fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brian: well that is all the time we have today, we'll try to do better the next time. we'll have updates on the new Troy baby and the latest and greatest news on our movie.
Goodnight Canada!

P.S. Rohan is seen escorting Mandy to the nearest Starbucks to explain the difference between the movie Office Space and the t.v. show the Office.

moviefone guy: stay tuned for another wacky filled show called the Superfriends.
will Mandy get it? will Troy come back in 3 weeks from paternity leave? will Brian fly?

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