Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesdays with the Coach.

Welcome one and all,

I am introducing a new segment for your viewing pleasure. It is self titled "Tuesdays with the Coach." Yes, that would be me. I will offer up insightful and sage advice. I will happily help solve problems of all matter. So sit back and enjoy, grab a cold one to drink if you like. (cold one meaning unsweet ice tea)

On todays docket, I will ramble and trailoff with strong 33 year old man speak. My birthday is sunday the 22nd of July. I have a short list for you to paruse and pontificate on, so make good sound expensive decisions.

5. Clothes (christy, says I need to be more fashionable to meet her uppety tastes)

4. dress shoes (see # 5 for reason) I guess flip flops don't signify dress up.

3. electronic gadgets ( trying to get caught up with the 20th century)

2. anything Longhorn material ( I know you may think I have enough, but enough is never enough. just ask christy that question)

1. any and everything. (hey, I am not picky, just special)

I know I might come off as pretentious or greedy but, it is my nature or as I say, it runs in the family. I love my family, more so when I see their backsides leaving through the front door. Hey, we can't all be perfect and friendly like.
Did you know Easter 2008 is the same day me and my beloved want to get married. Christy said it was fine. We can do the Easter egg hunt instead of more traditional things as, garter toss or the always fun rice throwing. I wish we could snap our fingers and be married. All the pomp and stance is for the birds. Our wedding organizer (who doubles as the bride) says we should get married in September. I argue saying it is too soon but realize the longer we wait the more time she has to reneg on the whole deal. Love you Christy.
Christy is my rock and best friend, so we make decisions and communicate on all issues. I know, I am working on the whole communicating thing, but I am going to counseling for that.
Well our time is almost up and I am getting the hook, so I better shut this down. I hope you have enjoyed this Tuesday's edition. I look forward to next weeks column when the topic will be fears of heights and fears of open waters. Look forward to the hilarious test cases that will be presented next week.

p.s. To quash any unfounded rumor that is circulating, I am living back at home with grams but it is for very legit and stable reasons. I do not wish to share them at this time, thank you.


Anonymous said...

Really interesting idea, Brian. I should come up with a weekly segment called "Thursdays with the Eye-Rolling, Lied-About Girlfriend."

Ty said...
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