Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Somesuch and the Like

Why must summers be so hot? I like the fall and winter time of years. I don't sweat as much during these seasons. I hate sweating but I like sports. I'm an avid sports watcher and player. I'm into trivia and coach kids. I like being around youngsters but not enough to have one of my own. I'm what you might call- selfish. I just need space and by the looks of my ever expanding middle, I need lots of it.
I am currently engaged but not yet married. That fateful day has yet to be announced but it is coming up shortly. Speaking of short, "Hi Mandy." Anyways, my birthday is fast approaching. I will turn the spry, young age of 33. Yep ladies, 33! Just call me Brian "PrimeTime" Peters. Has anyone met my beautiful fiance? Her name is Christy Robinson. How does Christy Alicia Robinson Peters roll of the tongue? Right!
At the ripe ol' age of 33, I am still going to school. Yes, sad I know. There are some lame arse guys in my sociology class. We are suppose to do group work but all I hear is f words and beer talk. If i wanted that I could throw a family reunion together. Enough school talk, I am here to please and please I shall.
I am back to writing blogs that make people happy and cry uncontrollably. I am here to heal the sick and feed the poor. Being one of the poor, someone feed me!
I'm sorry I tend to ramble. I have one favor, don't judge me and we won't have any problems. If you do judge, I am known to be packing.
So come one and come all. I tend to have low self esteem and self confidence, so please be kind with the words. I need much encouragement. I need food. I need love.

P.S. Gather round' gather round!


Ty said...

Here's a recommendation: Put "Somesuch and the Like" in the title section. Good entry. However, it seemed like another introduction. I think we know you by now, and I'm certain we all know you are "packing" at this point. - That's All

Christy said...

I think Brian Christopher Peters Robinson sounds even better.

Amy said...

Only in Texas do people announce that they are "packing" on their blogs. Funny.