Thursday, December 20, 2012

Symphony of Destruction

previously on the Superfriends

at the Buck residence-
Mandy is at the bathroom sink and is making goofy faces in the mirror
Rohan: Mandy, what in the blue heck are you doing?
Mandy: what, what do you mean?
Rohan: ummm, I mean, what are you doing?
Mandy: I'm stretching my facial muscles!
Rohan: why?
Mandy: Ro, I told you last night, today I have that tuna eating contest!!
Rohan: wh.... aw, nevermind!
Mandy continues stretching her facial muscles.....

meanwhile at the Peters/Robinson ponderosa-
Brian: babe, you all packed?
Christy: hon, my flights not for another 6 hours..
Brian: I know babe, but we haven't done the laundry yet.
Christy: what???? (running through the apartment snatching and grabbing clothes)
I thought you did the laundry!!!
Brian: babe, I'm a college student now, and I work as well!
Christy: ummmm, I work too and you only work 3 days a week...
Brian (schlumps shoulders and puts clothes in the wash)

today's edition of the Superfriends emanates live from Bubba's Meat Market (a new local butcher shop)
wafting through the airwaves Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix can be heard, along with the overriding stench of dead bloody carcasses.

Brian: welcome one and all to another award winning edition of the Superfriends!
Mandy: when did we win an award?
Brian: Mandy, we did win, "What the heck were you thinking award" in 2009 from the local radio chapter.
Mandy looks on confused
Christy: what's that smell?
Brian: Christy, my little kumquat, that is the side of beef that they have placed nicely over the counter here.
Christy: I think I'm going to be sick!
Troy walks in: hey guys!
Brian: you're late buddy!
Troy: well you said I could bring the kiddos on our next restaurant remote.
Mandy: Troy, you goob, does this look like a restaurant?
Troy looks around and notices booths and tables
why yes, it looks like one to me!
Mandy: well look at the beef splayed over the counter, dripping blood down the window!
Christy vomits a little on her sleeve
I'm gonna hurl!
meanwhile Troy's kiddos are poking and giggling at the dead meat
Troy noticing this might not go over well the misses, ushers his kids back outside
Brian: Troy, where you going? we have a show to do!
Troy is seen nervously wiping the dead carcass blood of his kids hands and puts them back in the car and drives off!
Brian: great now we have to double up on duties!
Christy: ummmm, my flight leaves in 2 hours, so I better get going!
Brian and Mandy look at each other as now they are left to run the show
Mandy: where are you going off to Christy?
Christy: anywhere but here really! but to answer your very elementary question, I have an interview in the Philippines at the National Geographic for the social media editor position.
Mandy looks on confused
Brian: babe, did you get the Traveler's guide to the Philippines I bought for you?
Christy: (wiping vomit off her sleeve), yes hon, it;s stashed away in my carry on bag!
Brian: babe, I only packed the suitcase for you!
Christy: OMG! (runs out the door and narrowly misses slipping on the blood that has coagulated on the floor)
Brian: well there she goes! ok superfans, we have a great show today! we'll discuss the always entertaining but somewhat sad disintegration of the Von Erich wrestling family, the Christmas holiday season, and new segment called what's on Mandy's mind!
Mandy is seen chasing butterflies by the store window!

join us next time on the Superfriends as we recap our Christmas festivities..
*Show Announcement* we will be on dry dock until January 2. so carry on with the plan of the day!
Will Troy get the carcass blood off his kiddos hands? will Christy land the Philippines National Geographic social media editor job? Will Mandy win the tuna eating contest? we have less answers and even more questions....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
