Saturday, February 21, 2009

Special Victims Unit!

previously on the Superfriends....................

Mandy: who's on first?
Brian: who's on second?
Christy: where's third?
micoff Troy: score!!

10:39 a.m. preshow meeting.
Christy: is everyone present?
Brian: I've been here since 8:30.
Mandy: oh yeah, I have been here since............ok since 10:25.
micoff Troy: (holds up a card that says, I have been here since 10:00)
Christy: anyways, I would like to discuss today's show.
Brian: go ahead darling.
Christy: today I have a special guest, her name is Marsha DoGood. she is 95 and a half marathon runner.
micoff Troy: ......................................
Brian: very cool.

Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Child is humming through the Superfriends studio.
Mandy: welcome one and all. we are very pleased for you to join us today.
Brian: so sit back and enjoy our bantar and repartay.
Mandy: I understand we have a special guest today?
Christy: yes we do, her name is Marsha DoGood. she is 95 and a half marathon runner. pretty awesome huh?
Brian: you mean she runs for a living? what is that like 12-13 miles.
micoff Troy:....................... (nods his head yes)
Brian: (confused)
Christy: yes Brian, she actually gets off the couch and does something with her life. you know lives, loves life! (lazy A, shifting her eyes)
Mandy: wow Christy, this is something close to your heart huh!
Christy: yes she is my hero.
Brian: ok, on the Dallas Cowboys hotline, we have Ms. Marsha DoGood.
Christy: yes welcome. ok, Ms. DoGood, or can we call you Marsha?
Marsha: you can me Marsha.
Mandy: awwwww your so sweet.
Marsha: why thank you little one.
Brian: (starts the questioning) , Marsha, why do you do it?, why do you run even at the advanced age of 95?
Christy: I'm sorry Marsha, Brian, is a couch potato.
Marsha: (gasps) couch potato!!!!!! I thought this was an Runners/Healthy Living show?
Christy: don't go, please! (giving Brian the throat slashing gesture)
Brian: leaves the studio to collect his thoughts and get a glass of apple juice.
Christy: Marsha, how do you do it? how do you keep running at the young age of 95?
Mandy: do tell?
Marsha: well (in a robust yet graveley voice), I run 7-8 miles a day, and then drink a glass of red wine and eat grapefruits, lots of grapefruits.
Mandy:( furiously writing down Marsha's routine)
Christy: wow! what does your husband do?
Marsha: (defiantly says) He died 50 yrs ago from eating bad and not walking or running.
Christy: did he eat grilled cheese sandwiches?
Marsha: yes
Mandy: did he eat globs of queso?
micoff Troy:..................... (holding up card, did he eat chicken wings?)
Mandy: (asks micoff Troy's question.)
Marsha: yes
Christy: OMG! Brian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brian is seen eating a bucket of chicken wings drenched in bleu cheese and drinking undiet dr. pepper.
Christy darts out the door and tackles Brian, knocking the bucket of chicken into the air.
Mandy: well thank you Marsha, you have enlightened us.
Marsha: well I would like to get into my running schedule.
Mandy: well I'm afraid we are out of time.
Marsha: well I've never!
Mandy: I've never either, so goodbye!
micoff Troy: (giggles)
Christy is seen cleaning chicken grease of Brian and telling him to get his running shoes on.
Brian: (begrudgingly does and proclaims, I'm walking)
Mandy: thank you for listening to the Superfriends, join us next time. maybe Yuck Monkey Rohan will get his job back!
micoff Troy: (nods negatively)
Mandy: Goodnight Canada!

p.s. Christy is seen running in the area park while Brian weezes and puffs out of breath.

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