Saturday, February 21, 2009
previously on the Superfriends!
Mandy: (door slams shut)
Brian: (sound of dr. pepper can opening)
Christy: (silence of book reading)
Troy: (guzzle sound of shiner bock)
Trey: (*snore*)
Scott: (getting money)
preshow meeting-10:29 a.m.
Brian: well I'm the first one to arrive, as usual.
Christy: not so fast my grown man husband! I actually was first this morning.
Brian: (schlumps) you're right babe!
Troy: where is Mandy?
Christy: well, she seemed pretty preturbed on the last show.
Trey: why?
Brian: well it seems like she can't handle the pressure. she is like an egg, she cracks easily! get it cracks....................
Christy: wow! can we get on with the fake live radio show, my mango is warming.
Scott: well, the ratings are in, and the last half of the show, the numbers went up!
what ever ya'll are doing keep it up!
Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix is whispering through the studio.
Brian: welcome all and one to the Superfriends! hey, wait, why is the music so low, I can barely hear it.
Christy: b/c my sainted mother is coming over and I don't want her to hear the devil music you listen too.
Brian: o ok!
Christy: so, what is on the show today?
Brian: well we are trying to raise Mandy and see where she is? plus, I have Ft. Worth's own, Trap Squad Cartel in studio.
Troy: who?
Trey? who in the hades is that?
Christy: they are a fine upstanding music group from funkytown Ft. Worth.
Trey: oh right, if you like them, then they must be rap.
Brian: anyways, lets not get bogged down. onto our first order of business. where is Mandy?
Troy: well I have a brilliant idea.
Christy: that must be a first! (giggle)
Troy: what Christy?
Christy: huh, o, nothing.
Brian, yes Troy, what is your brilliant idea. grilled cheese sandwiches, again!
Trey: (lol, giggling)
Troy: did you say something Brian.
Brian: I said you liked grilled cheese sandwiches is all.
Troy: o ok. anyways, lets take some calls on where Mandy might be.
Christy: wow, that is a golden idea Troy. (patting him on the head)
Troy: line 1, you're on.
line 1: yes my name is Jonell, I think Mandy is in Australia.
Troy: alright, line 1 we can't verify your information.
Troy: line 2, you're on.
line 2: this is Pedro, this Mandy person was last seen eating chicken and waffles at the downtown Chicken Coop Restaurant.
Trey: where is this Chicken Coop, I must have some. (Trey is seen running out of the studio)
Christy: guys, I know where she is, she is at the Patrick Swayze meet and greet.
by the way, ummmmmm my mother is here and I ummmm need to go. Brian, tuna is in the fridge, see ya at home.
Brian: wait a minute! Christy, where are you going?
Troy: dude, she is going to Patrick Swayze.
Brian (sobbing uncontrollably)
Troy: its all right chief, we'll finish the show in grand style.
Brian: (tearfully) how?
Troy: we'll close the show with some mandatory Metallica!
Brian: (in 5 yr. old girls voice) ok.
Troy: (blares Master of Puppets to cheer downtrodden Brian up)
Scott: hey, what the heck! what in tarnation is going on in here?
why is there a rap group singing in my office?
stay tuned next time to find out what in tarnation is going on!
are Mandy and Christy really going to see Patrick Swayze?
is Trey really going to eat at the Chicken Coop Restaurant?
join us next time on the 93.8 the Superfriends!
Super Superfriends!
Scott the financier: Brian, now tell me why you think you should go to Tampa?
Brian: that is where the Super Bowl is at! everyone who is somebody is going to be there.
Scott the financier: can we do this on the cheap?
Brian: sure we can, we won't bring Mandy.
Scott the financier: isn't she the co-host?
Brian: ummmmm, er, well, yes......... ok, how about the crew stay in a Motel 6.
Scott the financier: done!
Voodoo Child is heard blaring through the Tampa Bay Convention Center, declaring the Superfriends is live and on the air.
Brian: welcome one and all, we are live and local in Tampa Bay, site of Super Bowl 43!
Mandy: Brian, ummmmm, we are not local! we are in Tampa Bay Florida.
Brian: right right. welcome everyone, live and notso local, we are in Tampa Bay, Florida, site of Super Bowl 43. is that better Mandy?
Mandy: (shooting eye darts) yes!
Brian: (introduces the crew) back in Aggtown, twisting and tweaking, program director, Troy, very live and very lovely with technical director duties my wife, Christy, back at the mothership, yuck monkey Rohan, and last but not least my trusty equal sidekick Mandy.
Mandy: why didn't Rohan get to come.
Brian: we are on tight budget. we couldn't bring the ancillary people, you know the hangerson.
Mandy: o, ok!
Brian: on the show today, we have former Cowboy great Michael Irvin and we will read the dead Tom Landry's bio.
Christy: (can't believe she took off a week from actual work for this)
Mandy: we are going to read a dead person's bio????
Brian: not just any dead person, TOM LANDRY!
Troy: yeah Mandy, get it right.
Mandy: *$#!*! to you Troy!
Brian: did that get dumped?
Christy: yes fortunately we have a 23 second delay, so most of this horsecrap doesn't even make it on the air.
Mandy: why 23 seconds delay?
Christy: B/C I LIKE 23!
Brian: see Mandy, you got her all riled up........ (brian passes a cinnamon toast and mango over to Christy to calm her.)
Mandy: ok, where is this Michael Irving person, he is late!
Brian: (smacks his forhead)
Troy: ummmm Mandy, it is Michael Irvin.
Mandy: that is what I said.
Christy: (has no clue what is transpiring b/c of her mango belly)
Brian: well since Mr. Irvin is running a bit late, lets delve into the bio.
Mandy: how about we let yuck monkey Rohan, do a quick story.
Brian: (checks with Christy, who gives the thumbs up)
yuck monkey Rohan: (in a very strong harsh Australian accent) well I went hunting and fishing the other day.................... and.....................
Christy: whoa, hey, yo...... not so fast Crocodile Dundee. remember we banned any all hunting or fishing talk.
Mandy: why?
Christy: one b/c I said, (it is in her creative control contract) and two, I'm fiercely against the unwanted and unfair practice of death hunting of animals.
yuck monkey Rohan: Mandy.............. that's not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brian: well, I just got word, that Michael Irvin is not coming today b/c SOMEONE pronounced his name wrong!
Troy: wonder who that was? (whispering Mandy's name)
Mandy: is seen leaving her co-host chair in a huff.
Christy: well this was another fine day at the office. (hmmmmppphh)
Brian: (tries to recanoiter the show) this was another rousing and radio gold edition of the Superfriends! join us next time as we talk about the fallout of Mandy leaving her co-host chair during midshow and we'll have Tampa Bay talk.
Christy: (seen running away very very far)
Troy: (back in the studio, is schumpled in his chair surrounded by doughnut wrappings and shiner)
Brian: goodnight Canada! goodnight America!
P.S. will Mandy keep her job?
will Rohan adhere to Christy's non death hunting talk?
will Superfriends grace the airwaves again??????????????????
Special Victims Unit!
Mandy: who's on first?
Brian: who's on second?
Christy: where's third?
micoff Troy: score!!
10:39 a.m. preshow meeting.
Christy: is everyone present?
Brian: I've been here since 8:30.
Mandy: oh yeah, I have been here since............ok since 10:25.
micoff Troy: (holds up a card that says, I have been here since 10:00)
Christy: anyways, I would like to discuss today's show.
Brian: go ahead darling.
Christy: today I have a special guest, her name is Marsha DoGood. she is 95 and a half marathon runner.
micoff Troy: ......................................
Brian: very cool.
Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Child is humming through the Superfriends studio.
Mandy: welcome one and all. we are very pleased for you to join us today.
Brian: so sit back and enjoy our bantar and repartay.
Mandy: I understand we have a special guest today?
Christy: yes we do, her name is Marsha DoGood. she is 95 and a half marathon runner. pretty awesome huh?
Brian: you mean she runs for a living? what is that like 12-13 miles.
micoff Troy:....................... (nods his head yes)
Brian: (confused)
Christy: yes Brian, she actually gets off the couch and does something with her life. you know lives, loves life! (lazy A, shifting her eyes)
Mandy: wow Christy, this is something close to your heart huh!
Christy: yes she is my hero.
Brian: ok, on the Dallas Cowboys hotline, we have Ms. Marsha DoGood.
Christy: yes welcome. ok, Ms. DoGood, or can we call you Marsha?
Marsha: you can me Marsha.
Mandy: awwwww your so sweet.
Marsha: why thank you little one.
Brian: (starts the questioning) , Marsha, why do you do it?, why do you run even at the advanced age of 95?
Christy: I'm sorry Marsha, Brian, is a couch potato.
Marsha: (gasps) couch potato!!!!!! I thought this was an Runners/Healthy Living show?
Christy: don't go, please! (giving Brian the throat slashing gesture)
Brian: leaves the studio to collect his thoughts and get a glass of apple juice.
Christy: Marsha, how do you do it? how do you keep running at the young age of 95?
Mandy: do tell?
Marsha: well (in a robust yet graveley voice), I run 7-8 miles a day, and then drink a glass of red wine and eat grapefruits, lots of grapefruits.
Mandy:( furiously writing down Marsha's routine)
Christy: wow! what does your husband do?
Marsha: (defiantly says) He died 50 yrs ago from eating bad and not walking or running.
Christy: did he eat grilled cheese sandwiches?
Marsha: yes
Mandy: did he eat globs of queso?
micoff Troy:..................... (holding up card, did he eat chicken wings?)
Mandy: (asks micoff Troy's question.)
Marsha: yes
Christy: OMG! Brian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brian is seen eating a bucket of chicken wings drenched in bleu cheese and drinking undiet dr. pepper.
Christy darts out the door and tackles Brian, knocking the bucket of chicken into the air.
Mandy: well thank you Marsha, you have enlightened us.
Marsha: well I would like to get into my running schedule.
Mandy: well I'm afraid we are out of time.
Marsha: well I've never!
Mandy: I've never either, so goodbye!
micoff Troy: (giggles)
Christy is seen cleaning chicken grease of Brian and telling him to get his running shoes on.
Brian: (begrudgingly does and proclaims, I'm walking)
Mandy: thank you for listening to the Superfriends, join us next time. maybe Yuck Monkey Rohan will get his job back!
micoff Troy: (nods negatively)
Mandy: Goodnight Canada!
p.s. Christy is seen running in the area park while Brian weezes and puffs out of breath.
And Justice for All!
Brian: what?
trainwreck Mandy: who?
Christy: when
*patron* Troy: where?
Yuck Monkey Rohan: why?
Christy: why indeed???
preshow meeting 10:34 a.m.
in attendance: Brian, Mandy, Christy, Rohan, Troy, Scott.
Brian: I have called this meeting to introduce our new financier- Scott.
Mandy: ughhhh
Christy: (slaps forehead)
Troy and Trey: (hi-fiving, and grab butting)
financier Scott: thank you Brian, congrats on the marriage. I would like to offer my services and really just dive in and help this show continue to be what it is. riveting radio.
Christy: (vomits in her mouth)
after much mingling and the like the crew gets ready for a rousing edition of the Superfriends!
Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Child is subtly being played in the studio.
tw mandy: why the softness of song?
brian: well I have decided that I have become to much of the show and I need to let my co-host and crew take more control.
christy: wow, brian, how grown up of you. (twinkle of the eye)
troy: you sure you want to do this? I mean really?
tw mandy: mic off troy!
brian: (leans over and turns troy's mic off.)
troy: (sits in utter amazement)
christy: you ARE my husband! (looking over at brian)
mandy: on today's program, we will talk college football, turkey day stories and whatnot.
troy: (seen seething in his producer's chair)
christy: so mandy, what would you like to talk about first?
mandy: well I have a few stories about Thankgiving.
brian: lets hear. (seen with hand on chin, intently listening)
mandy: well a couple of years...................
rohan: well it happened like this actually.
we went hunting in the backwoods of Australia and we found a huge big ol' turkey. after much hunting, stalking and following of said turkey, we decided to play russian roulette witht the turkey.
christy: oh the horror!
troy: now your talking my language.
mandy: (rips the mic cord out of the wall, cord is seen dangling out of mandy's hand)
mandy: evil laughter ensues.
rohan: can I get back to my story? ok, next, I circled it and drew my weapon.
I pointed it right at its.........................................
fiancier Scott: (bursts in the door) what in tarnation is going on? this is a family friendly radio show. whose idea was this?
mandy/brian/christy/troy(micoff): (all point at rohan)
financier Scott: rohan come see me in my office. now!
rohan: (schlumps off to meet with fiancier Scott)
christy: can you believe this?
mandy: I know, I never knew Rohan liked to hunt.
troy: (with mic off)...........................................................
brian: well lets talk sport now, k? I mean if that is ok mandy?
mandy: of course it is......
christy: well I know UT plays A&M tomorrow night.
brian: (lovingly looks on) you ARE my wife.
brian and christy: face kiss between the glass. (christy has her own program director cubicle and brian/mandy are in the studio.)
mandy: get a room! also, troy your new nickname is micoff troy.
troy: ......................................................
mandy: well that is all the time we have for today. next time on the superfriends, we will learn the fate of rohan.
background music is playing.
trey: (in dramatic moviefone guy voice) will rohan keep his yuck monkey role? will christy and brian get a room? will troy ever say words live on the air? will Texas Tech ever recover from that humialting, embarrassing, disgusting loss to OU?
join us next time on the Superfriends 93.8 the Crowsfeet.......
mandy: well done trey!
brian: reach for the stars and and keep jammin.
christy: and we'll see ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pomp and Circumstance!
Financier Tiffani: I quit!!!!!!
trainwreck Mandy: well it seems like I am here to run this ship while Brian and Christy are away on their honeymoon. (kicks her feet up on desk and drifts off to sleep)
preshow meeting: in attendance, Brian, Christy, trainwreck Mandy, Yuck Monkey Rohan, *patron* Troy and cowboy Trey.
Brian: where is fiancier Tiffani?
trainwreck Mandy: um, er, um well, she quit.
Christy: she quit? who is going to fund this slop now?
cowboy Trey: giggles and offers up to let his co-workers in on a secret. I have found a new source for money. I'll let ya'll know at the end of the show.
it is time for the beginning of the show and trainwreck Mandy is still eating her yum yums and drinking a yoo-hoo.
blaring through the studio is Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Child.
Brian: welcome one and all! yes, I'm back better than ever and ladies yes I am married........
trainwreck Mandy: hi Brian, welcome back.
Brian: um, trainwreck Mandy, I saw you in the production meeting. (weirdo)
Christy: lets stay on target.
Brian: yes America, that is my beautiful wife Christy.
Christy: (shows off her glittery ring)
crew: looks on in wonder and amazement! oohs and aahs are heard throughout the studio.
Brian: on the show today, we will reminisce and tell stories about our wonderful honeymoon.
trainwreck Mandy: um, er, well Rohan and I stayed in an exotic and romantic place.
*patron* Troy: didn't ya'll stay somewhere in north Tx?
trainwreck Mandy: (shoots darts and shows him the one finger salute)
Christy: lets stay on target. (seen scarfing down benets)
cowboy Trey: don't forget, I have big news at the end of the show.
Brian: looking over the Neilsen ratings for the last quarterly period.
why are we second in listenership?
trainwreck Mandy: what?
Brian: huh!, looks like it took a nose dive right around the time of our honeymoon. what happened?
trainwreck Mandy: I couldn't handle the pressure!
Yuck Monkey Rohan: believe me, she couldn't...... she didn't even fix me dinner for the week.
trainwreck Mandy: I'm sorry! (sobbing) I knew I couldn't fill your shoes.
Christy: get a hold of yourself trainwreck Mandy! this is only a live fake radio show.
cowboy Trey: fake! what the heck am I doing here then?
*patron* Troy: hey trey, what is your big news?
cowboy Trey: um nothing (and runs out the door)
(ring ring)
Brian: yes, welcome to the Superfriends.
caller: um yes, I am downstairs and I am here to meet with a Brian and a Mandy.
Mandy: wah! (is boohooing like a baby)
Brian: um right, well that is all the time we have for today, join us next time on the Superfriends.
Christy: why did you end the show so early?
Brian: well I have a babbling nincumpoop as a co-host, and a guy downstairs wanting to meet with us.
(ring ring)
*patron* Troy: yes caller go ahead.
caller: I am here to sign the contract as your new financier.
*patron* Troy: wait a minute, I know who you are!
could it be, Scott, Scott Wayman.
caller: yes it could brutha!
trainwreck Mandy and Christy are seen head down and schlumping in their chair.
financier Scott: mwa hahahahaha!
P.S. due to character conflicts fiancier Tiffani has been replaced by Scott Wayman.
P.S. 2. cowboy Trey is ducking fiancier Scott because of a monetary debt he owes.
Stay tuned for more climactic and everchanging life events on Superfriends 93.8 the Crowsfeet!
Around the Horn!
Brian: (on the phone with financier Tiffani.) yes we are still doing our radio show. it seems *patron* Troy was let go yesterday! yeah, well, I would like to invoke my creative control clause in my contract and hire *patron* Troy back.
financier Tiffani: (on phone) ok Brian, ok, *patron* Troy is hired back on. he does need to do a better job of securing guests.
Brian: I will see to it. you don't pay me the big bucks and give me top billing over Mandy for nothing.
Mandy: (overhears in near by watercooler area) *sigh*
10:30 a.m. preshow meeting
SweetSweet: ok, let me do a head count here to see who is all present.
looks like everyone is here. *patron* Troy why are you here?
*patron* Troy: well it seems the powers that be wanted me back.
Mandy: oh, well, I didn.....................................
Brian: yes, the powers that be wanted you back.
SweetSweet: alright, enough of the ancillary mumbo jumbo. lets get down to business. what are we going to feature on the show today?
Brian: well I think we should do a mixture of things.
Mandy: yes, like phone calls and interviews.
Brian: wow Mandy, that is the honest to goodness first legit thing out of your mouth since your mom's recipe for those famous enchiladas.....
*patron* Troy: (snickers)
SweetSweet: well we are on in 2 minutes and 2 seconds.
blaring through the unairconditioned studios is Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix
Brian: welcome on and all to the very popular Superfriends 93.8 f.m. the Crowsfeet. with an even more visible on air role *patron* Troy will introduce the crew.
Mandy: but I thought that was..............................
*patron* Troy: twisting and tweaking is Christy Robinson-Peters aka SweetSweet with technical director duties, myself the chosen one, with program director duties and last but not least Brian *the boss* hosting the show.
Mandy: ummmmmmmmmmm, what about me?
(subtle name change in 5, 4, 3, 2 ,1)
*the chosen one* Troy: (after consulting with *the boss*) oh right, and co-hosting with *the boss* is Mandy aka *trainwreck*.
SweetSweet: ok is this a peeing contest or what? can we get on with the show?
*the boss* Brian: first on the agenda is to discuss why in the world does Arlington TX not have public transportation?
Mandy *trainwreck*: thought we were only going to talk sports? hmmmmm...
*the boss* Brian: well you see little one, public transportation, will greatly benefit the city in the way of sport because it is home to the Rangers and Cowboys......
Mandy *trainwreck*: oh! (head slumped in hands)
SweetSweet: finally a topic I can partake in.
*the chosen one* Troy: well we have Mayor Greene on line 1 to discuss all things transportation.
Mandy *trainwreck*: hi Mr. Greene, what do you think of having public transportation in Arlington? plus why in the name of the Lord Jesus, did you and the higher ups in Arlington allow the Cowboys to come here?
SweetSweet: (giggling)
*the boss* Brian: I'm sorry Mr. Greene about that comment, Mandy didn't take her meds this morning.
Mayor Greene: it is ok Brian, I run into all kinds of delinquents and nefarious people. this I can assure you is no exception.
SweetSweet: well Mayor Greene, why is Arlington without public transportation?
Mayor Greene: well, er, um, gargle, sniff, er, ummmmmmmmmmmmmm! I better run I have my wife's dry cleaning to pick up. thanks for the invite....... (Mayor Greene is heard cussing before he hangs up.)
*the chosen one* Troy: well that went well.
financier Tiffani: guys, I just a phone call from the city of Arlington and they are mad! something about embarrassing Mayor Greene. saying he wasn't prepared for our line of questioning. we are on FCC probation.
*the boss* Brian: well it is all Mandy's fault.
Mandy *trainwreck*: wait a dadgum minute, I'll take some blame but............. your wifey wife over there........................
*the boss* Brian: well Mandy, I have to live with her and if momma ain't happy noone is happy! you dig!
Mandy *trainwreck*: ughhhh
*the boss* Brian: well we better wrap up the show before we get canceled.
Mandy *trainwreck*: yeah well I have to leave anyways to go pick up Beefers hamburgers for Rohan. he loves Beefers! wahoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
*the boss* brian: anyways, we'll heave to and trice up and try to do better the next time...
SweetSweet: well, Brian momma is happy, so lets go lay out by the pool.
*the boss* Brian: (in a 6 yr old girls voice) Christy it's hot!!!!!!
*the chosen one* Troy: join us next time for a rousing edition of the popular and critically acclaimed Superfriends 93.8 f.m. the Crowsfeet.
Mandy is seen speed racing through west Arlington side swiping homeless people and jalope cars for her mouth watering Beefers hamburgers.............
by the way the reason for the sudden and unexplained nickname changes, because we are a kid friendly PG radio show. except for the rude Mandy diatribes........
*Cowboy* Trey: Goodnight Canada!
White Elephant!
financier Tiffani: we need to raise listernership. how can we do that?
*patron* Troy: how about talking sports?
Brian: besides that, I have an idea! how about we shift duties amongst the crew.
financier Tiffani: brilliant! now I know why I gave you top billing over Mandy.
SweetSweet: so what duties will each crew member have?
financier Tiffani: well, we'll let Brian and you, sweetsweet, take care of those issues.
preshow meeting. 9:30 a.m.
SweetSweet: is everyone here?
Mandy: I think so, I'm on time b/c I told Yuck Monkey Rohan to make his own dadgum breakfast.
*patron* Troy: Rohan just called and said, he will be late b/c of a grease fire in the kitchen.
Mandy: ughhhh
SweetSweet: anyways, I want to go over our new duties for the show today.
Brian: yes, today's edition will be called the White Elephant.
everyone looks on in wonder and amazement!
Brian: so here is the rundown. SweetSweet will be co-hosting today with *patron* Troy. Mandy will take over Yuck Monkeyness duties and I'll be doing dual jobs. I'll be the program director and technical director.
*patron* Troy: cool man, I"ll get to whip everyone into submission with my diatribes of past athletic prowness.
Mandy: ughhhh
SweetSweet: well lets get this show on the road.
Brian: ummmm, I'm in charge now, so I'll say when we start. (after 30 seconds) ok, lets get this show on the road.
SweetSweet: sends visual laser darts accompanied with elementary hand gestures.
blaring through the dingy hot studios Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix.
SweetSweet: welcome to the show, 93.8 the Superfriends on the Crowsfeet.
*patron* Troy: yes welcome to one and all. (tries to explain the developments of the crew changes but interrupted by)
Brian: since I'm large and in charge, I'll introduce the crew. twisting and tweaking will be me, yours truly. with program director duties will be me, the one and only. co-hosting (and trying to fill my very big shoes) will be my beautimus SweetSweet and filling in for Mandy, aka. trainwreck, is *patron* Troy. handling Yuck Monkey duties is Mandy. with a firm clinch still on the station purse strings is financier Tiffani. Rohan will not be on the show today b/c of a serious grease fire accident.
Mandy: so when is my first YM report?
Brian: ummmm first Mandy, you need to get the crew our morning drinks.
Mandy: (shuffles off, head slumped)
SweetSweet: ok today's show, I thought we could actually take phone calls.
*patron* Troy: great idea SweetSweet.
Brian: I agree (nodding knowlingly, since that his was idea to begin with)
Brian: line 1
SweetSweet: line 1 name please?
line 1: my name is Josh from Boston.
*patron* Troy: boston ey?
Brian: (muffling on the line) dialtone. sorry, we had a bad connection.
SweetSweet: seen giving Brian the evil eye.
Brian: line 2 you're on.
line 2: haye man, my name is dirk from Itlee.
*patron* Troy: hey SweetSweet, I'll take this one.
SweetSweet: NO, I mean no, I'll handle this one.
Brian: (violently rips the cord out of the phone jack)
YM Mandy: what is going on?
Brian: sorry, my arm twitched.
SweetSweet: can we try one more?
Brian: sure, line 3.
SweetSweet: line 3 go ahead.
line 3: my name is Pau.
*patron* Troy: hi Pau.
Brian: son of a b*tch. (throws the phone out the window)
*ptron* Troy: dude what is going on?
Brian: well that is all the time we have for today. (brian throws it to network)
SweetSweet: is there a problem you would like to discuss Brian?
Brian: nice try today guys we'll try to do better the next time.
YM Mandy: I gotta go, Rohan just texted and said the grease is still bubbling in the kitchen, or what is left of the kitchen. that dadgum idi..........................
Brian: is seen running out of the studio with SweetSweet right on his trail.
*patron* Troy: is left to play darts in the studio.
stay tuned for another hair raising and headache inducing edition of the Superfriends.
Birthday suits are real!
wham! bam! slam! thwap! slap! Sweet Sweet unleashes fire and brimstone on the unsuspecting *patron* Troy. it seems our good program director forgot to hook up Christopher Meloni for his scheduled interview. by the way *patron* Troy did beat his previous high on the fateful game of darts. Mandy is heard giggling at the destruction and demolition of *patron* Troy. *cowboy* trey the intern is seen running for the hills, leaving his good buddy in his time of need.
Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix is blaring out of the underwhelmingly cheap speakers at the Crowsfeet studios.
Brian: welcome one and all. lets introduce the crew and get on with the show. technically directing is Christy Robinson-Peters aka SweetSweet, with prgram directing duties is the battered and bruised *patron* Troy, Yuck Monkey Rohan with traffico traffico, and with a cameo appearance financier Tiffani.
Mandy: I have a headache. I feel sick.
Sweet Sweet: fight through it Mandy you'll be ok!
Brian: HEY, were not here to bore listeners with our weak ailments!! heave to and trice up Mandy....
financier Tiffani: (busts in) hey, I have a brilliant idea on how to gather more listeners. it came to me last night during my daily pedicure/mancure seaweed rubdown. Brian should run naked through the outfield over at the Temple (Ballpark in Arlington).
Mandy: where is that?
Brian: see this why you have second billing Mandy!
Sweet Sweet: ain't no one runnning naked anywhere anytime.
*patron* Troy: (throws up in his mouth at the thought of Brian running naked)
financier Tiffani: well you bozo's have any other ideas? I'm losing money faster than Brittany Spears losing her kids. can't believe I employ you idiots!!!!!
Brian: I have an idea, how about we talk sports.
Mandy: hey that was my....................!
SweetSweet: great idea Brian.
*patron* Troy: I have booked Emmit Smith and Troy Aikman.
Mandy: I know who they are!
Yuck Monkey Rohan: who are they Mandy, huh, who are they?
Mandy: they are, (struggling for the answers) they are..................
SweetSweet: come on Mandy, you can do it, think (blank) and Indians..
Mandy: (racking her brain)
*patron* Troy: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Cowboys, The Dallas Cowboys..............
SweetSweet: throws it to commercial.
Brian: circling the wagons, says, lets just all relax, I know we are all under stress here trying to raise our listenership.
*patron* Troy: well we have Emmit Smith on line 1.
Mandy: giggling and clapping furiously, has a question for Emmit. what number did you wear for the Indi......, I mean Cowboys.?
SweetSweet, Brian, *patron* Troy and financier Tiffani (already in her waxed lexus) smacks their foreheads in collective embarrassment.
Mandy: what? what did I say?
Emmit: (hangs up disgusted): dialtone..........
Brian: trys to righ the ship. that is all the time we have for today. thanks for listening. make sure to tune in to the wildly popular Superfriends!
Mandy: is seen being escorted out of the sutdio by SweetSweet.
SweetSweet: come on Mandy, lets go get a cafe latte and rethink our career goals.
*patron* Troy: whispers all she had to say was Cowboys.
Mandy: still doesn't understand
Yuck Monkey Rohan: giggles and laughs. I'm glad she is cute.................. (referencing his wife Mandy)
P.S. we'll try to do better the next time. Goodnight Canada!
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Brian: (looks confused after seeing the mess the fill ins made while he was on vacation)
Mandy: why are there so many Dr. Pepper cans everywhere? what is this, a can of grease?
SweetSweet: hey, why do I have a deck of cards and spoons in my studio?
8:30 a.m. preshow meeting
Brian: well we have a fine mess to clean up!
SweetSweet: it is ok, that is why we pay the immigrants to clean the studio.
Brian: true, I haven't had a Dr. Pepper since the turn of the new year.
SweetSweet: I can't believe someone drank a whole 12 pack!
Brian: where is Mandy? we can't start the meeting without her.
*patron* Troy: well it seems like all the important crew members are here, lets get started.
SweetSweet: Mand.........................
Brian: interrupts, ok here is what I would like on the show today.
Tiffani (financier): (graces us with her presence) ok, guys, ratings are at an all time low and I have sunk enough money into this sinking ship. what can we do to get ratings up?
Mandy: (breathing hard) sorry that I am late, I had to make Yuck Monkey Rohan's breakfast.
Brian: (rolls his eyes) see what we have to put up with!
SweetSweet: it is ok Mandy, we all have our downfalls.
Tiffani (financier): well I don't have all dadgum day, I have a spa and pedicure appt. Just get the ratings somewhere north and I'll be happier than a kitty in a catnip haze.
SweetSweet: kitties!!!!
*patron* Troy: I think we need to stick with sports and all that that implies.
Brian: I second that, except we do need to throw our female listening audience a bone every once in awhile.
Mandy: how rude! what bone will that be?
Brian: well I have Christopher Meloni set up for an 11:35 a.m. interview.
SweetSweet: done, got it! secured!
Christy is seen giggling and tittering like a 14 yr. old girl who just got asked out by the school hunk.
Tiffani (financier): calls in and says get on the air pronto, we are late.
10:58 a.m. 2 minutes to showtime.
Mandy: I need to go to the lady's room real quick, I ate funyons on the way and my butt hurts something fierce.
SweetSweet: I'll cover for you Mandy, us womens need to stick together. (christy sits in her technical director chair with Christopher Meloni pics stacked 10 high)
*patron* Troy: counts down for the show opening.......
blaring through the studio and on the airwaves is Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix.
SweetSweet: (is seen giggling and rubbing her hands together waiting for her t.v. man crush to arrive)
Brian: welcome to the show, on todays edition of the Superfriends..................................
*patron* Troy: plays darts instead of doing his job and thus missing out on securing Mr. Meloni for his interview.
93.8 The Superfriends on the Crowsfeet!
Fun with the Elderly
co-hosts Brian and Mandy with selected few crew members of the Superfriends are off on drydock for vacationary purposes. Filling in for the crew: replacing co-host Brian will be his sainted Grandmother, filling in for co-host Mandy will be the matriarch of the Pegues, Mama Pegues and finally filling in for SweetSweet Christy, handling the techincal directing will be Mrs. Robinson aka. Mom.
*patron* Troy will still produce the show with help from new intern *cowboy* Trey.
with out further ado, I present to you a new belated holiday edition of the Superfriends.
blaring throughout the studio, Amazing Grace can be heard. immediately the phones are ringing off the hook, questioning the choice of music. an outcry can be heard for Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix. Grandma can be overheard sighing and Mama Pegues utters we will not be playing devil music. Mom Robinson giggles.
Grandma: on with todays show. today we will be talking about the joys of parenting, fried foods and merits of spoons vs. forks.
Mama Pegues: I like spoons b/c it brings friends and families together not only for food but games as well.
Mom Robinson: (waving frantically) interjecting, I won the last game of spoons.
Grandma: I'm too tired and worn out to play spoons let alone discuss it. where is my Dr. Pepper?
Mama Pegues: (looking over Mom Robinson's way) I would have won if not for your product of a child, Christy snatching that spoon out of my hand.
Grandma: (guzzle guzzle from the can of Dr. Pepper)
Mama Pegues: onto our next topic, fried foods.
Grandma: (rudely interrupts) I keep an old can of grease under the sink, wanna see?
Mom Robinson: I keep mine in my purse.
Mama Pegues: says eveyone is going to die young due to too much grease intake. instead I'm gonna make my delicious and famous ding dong cake.
Grandma: licks her lips and says she has extra butter if needed.
Mom Robinson throws it to break and plays Jesus Loves Me!
Mama Pegues: well after all the baking and whatnot, lets discuss parenting.
*patron* Troy thinks they are about to pontificate on the hows and whys of where kids come from taps the brakes on this little topic and grants *cowboy* Trey his first comments on live radio.
*cowboy* Trey: howdy folks, I'm here to wax poetic on west Texas and the rustic nature of cowboys.
Mom Robinson: (is seen joyfully listening to *cowboy* Trey's diatribe on cowboys)
Grandma: well that is all the time we have for today! I better run, I need to put more Dr. Pepper's in the fridge.
Mama Pegues: yep, I have dishes to do, plus I have my daily-hourly bible study.
Mom Robinson: prepares the closing music, with the Oakridge Boys.
Grandma: is seen lounging in her chair, snoring!
Mama Pegues: ends the show with Jesus Loves You!
*patron* Troy quietly shuffles off to the bathroom to read the sports page.
next time on the Superfriends, we happily reunite the crew! join us as we explore hither and yon together. 93.8 The Crowsfeet.
The Big Finish
Mandy: (tag) you're it!
SweetSweet: (tag) you're it!
Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix is blaring through the studio of the Crowsfeet.
Brian: welcome to the show! I apologize for the embarrassing behaviour of my co-host and my technical director.
Mandy: (inaudible mumbo jumbo)
Brian: Mandy, turn on your mic.
Mandy: sorry about that, welcome to the show!
Brian: I already welcomed everybody but go ahead and introduce the crew.
Mandy: technically producing is Christy Robinson, directing the show is *tequila* Troy, Yuck Kangaroo Rohan with traffic reports, and our new intern Meatloaf Josh.
Brian: (smacking his forehead) tries to clean up her mess (again) and introduces the crew correctly. twisting and tweaking is Christy Robinson Peters aka. SweetSweet, program director *patron* Troy, Yuck Monkey Rohan with traffico traffico and our new intern Mushmouth Josh.
Mandy: on todays show we will debate the pros and cons of professional wrestling, the death penalty as it relates to sports and the use of salt and pepper.
Brian: gives his opinion on professional wrestling, stating that is helpful to children under the age of ten with no father, a crazy mother and who was raised by his grandparents.
Mandy: (with a strained look on her face tries to draw the comparison)
Mandy: shrugs off her straindness and percieves to enlighten us with death talk. says if kids would play sports instead of video games then they wouldn't grow up and commit crimes against humans thus being arrested and sent to death row.
Brian: (struggles to make sense of the last statement) We better go to break.
SweetSweet: ummmm, Mandy, the governor of Texas called and wants to know what the heck you are talking about?
Brian: giggles!
Yuck Monkey Rohan: files another traffico traffico report. he see no one cares and flips off his head set and heads off to the basketball court to work on his failed game.
Brian: debates salt and pepper with Mandy. only to be interrupted by Mushmouth Josh delivering their tea.
Brian: sees he has been handed sweet tea instead of unsweet tea, slams the drink down, unloads vocally something awful on Mushmouth Josh and fires him on the spot.
Mandy: seems like you have a vendetta with our intern?
SweetSweet: Brian, are you ok?
Brian: realizes his blood temp is up, puts a wrap on it and lets Mandy handle closing duties.
Mandy: fumbles around trying to figure out what to do.
SweetSweet: lends a helping hand and turns the off switch to off.
Mandy: (sheepishly) Thanks.
Brian: is seen heading for the hills in his green Jeep Wrangler, alone!
*patron* Troy has the final words, Goodnight Canada.
station announcement: enjoy another rousing edition of the Superfriends on 93.8 the Crowsfeet.
SweetSweet: murmurs, gosh almighty!
Five Hole!
Mandy: belch, hiccup, and snoring!
Brian: *sigh* mandy, we are on the air!
Mandy: sorry, thought I was asleep.
on with today's show.
Brian: introduces the crew. twisting and tweaking is SweetSweet aka. Christy Robinson-Peters technical director. *patron* Troy producing. Yuck Monkey Rohan with traffico traffico. new to the program is intern Mushmouth Josh. also show cohost (trainwreck) Mandy.
Mandy: asks, "why we need an intern?"
Brian: so we don't have to do as much work. Mandy proceeds to do backflips and somersaults in giddyness.
Brian: 1st up is our hot controversial subject about the Cowboys called "God's Team"
Mandy: interjects and utters that using that term is sacrilege against christians.
Brian: replies that, the reason for the hole in the stadium roof is so that God can watch his favorite football team.
Mandy: in response to brian's very valid comments can only eat chocolate doughnuts and drink sweet tea.
currently she has her head down with her mic on.
Brian: trying to refrain from putting peanut butter on her nose, he looks over the Rangers boxscore from the night before.
SweetSweet throws to commercial and unleashes fire and brimstone on Mandy for her unacceptable behaviour.
Mandy: apologizes for her reckless ways and makes up by cooridinating a free car wash hosted by Arlington's finest. the Arlington Fire Department.
SweetSweet transforms into a bathing suit on the spot and has sponges and tanning oil in hand.
*Patron* Troy sees the debacle about to ensue, reaches for his flask and turns on the golf channel.
Brian: sees Mandy and SweetSweet giggling and tittering like 14 yr. old girls with the AFD, proceeds to run the show like a true professional. he interviews the like of Michael Irvin, Mike Modano and the fake Barack Obama.
Brian: well that is the show for today. I apologize for the actions of Mandy and SweetSweet.
Mandy and SweetSweet: tries to call in before the show is over but Mushmouth Josh hangs up violently and puts in Bareback Mountain, the sequel to Brokeback Mountain.
Yuck Monkey Rohan eagerly and furiously files his first traffico traffico report but is undone by his infatuation with the t.v. show Wipeout.
Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix is blaring as the Superfriends goes off the air.
Brian: Goodnight Canada.
catch the next edition of the Superfriends on the Crowsfeet 93.8
(looking out the window down below to the car wash, Mandy is seen playing with ladder on the fire truck and SweetSweet is having oil applied by two behemoths dressed in firemen paraphanalia)
Grand Larceny!
Mandy: "ahhhhhhhhhh!, ouch!, thump! (fart sound is heard)
Brian looks over at Mandy and says, "did you fall out of your chair, again?" get up!
Mandy looks confused and disoriented. Slowly she gets up like nothing happened.
Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Child blares through the speakers letting all the listeners know we are hazed gray and underway!
Brian introduces the crew.
Technically Directing is "Sweet Sweet" Christy Robinson-Peters, Directing the Program is "Patron" Troy and with traffico traffico is Scott Scott.
Brian: On todays program we will review the Rangers early season success, daily Cowboys updates, with a new segment called, "God's Team" and finally (throwing Mandy a bone here) how to make ding dong cake.
Mandy: asks Brian why do you always get to open the show?
Brian: responds because that is why they pay me the big bucks!
Mandy cries out, "you get paid!?"
"Sweet Sweet" Robinson-Peters sensing a fight about to ensue throws it to commercial.
Sweet Sweet: tries to calm Mandy by showing off her Christopher Meloni pics.
Mandy is somewhat amused and stares at said pics.
back from commercial, Brian begins the first segment about the little red shoe Rangers. Mandy, back from her Meloni lusting, chimes in with this pure gold statement. Does Nolan Ryan still pitch for the Rangers?
Brian seeing her flub tries to right the ship and tells Mandy, he did pitch for the Rangers but know he is their president. Mandy proceeds with this gem of a statement, "I thought Bush was the president?" PD Troy pops on and says we are flooded with calls asking for Mandy's immediate dismissal. Troy is heard giggling and Brian hi-fives Troy.
Mandy tries to cool the flames and offers to cook her infamous and sturdy ding dong cake to the masses. Brian saves the day and tells the listeners that at our next successful remote (yet to have a successful show) Mandy will devine us all with her ding dong cake. Mandy slumps in her chair and vomits on her sleeve. Sweet Sweet throws it to commercial and voices that she has some esplaining to do to Tiffani (financier) because of this trainwreck. during the commercial break it is announced that Scott Scott has been fired for impersonating traffic reporters and sent to Grand Prairie for punishment.
traffico traffico will now be reported by Yuck Monkey Rohan who has been reassigned from Australian News for You, due to insubordination and continued lack of respect shown to women athletes.
Brian: well that is all the time we have for today.
Mandy: stay strong keep rolling and we'll see ya!
SweetSweet wonders in her mind why on God's green earth is she wasting her good school degree on this time waste.
Brian runs out of the studio trying to beat the crowd to see Mariska Hargitay sign autographs at Hooligans.
Mandy is left in studio to clean up, vacuum, and dust.
Yuck Monkey Rohan is trying to file a traffic report about horse dung on highway 360N, not knowing that everybody has vacated.
Crowsfeet station anouncement: catch another thrilling installment of the Superfriends on 93.8 f.m.
Goodnight Canada!
Full Frontal Labatomy

previously on the Superfriends............
ruffling of newspapers can be heard. sidekick Mandy, "Do the Rangers still play in Arlington? and who is that new staduim for next to the Ballpark in Arlington?" Brian, rolling his eyes, tells Mandy to stick what she knows best. Mandy replies, "what is that?", and Brian says, "exactly!" Mandy frowns.
Jimi Hendrix Voodoo Child blares uncontrollably, starting the show.
Brian welcomes any and all to the show. Mandy burps not knowing we are on the air. Brian says, "Good early afternoon to everyone, hope your having a strong Monday so far." Mandy tries to enterject but is quickly shot down. Brian introduces the crew. Brian says, "twisting and tweaking is Christy Robinson-Peters (technically directing), running the ship Troy *patron* Matheny (program director) and on traffic is Scott Scott.
"Welcome," says Mandy, trying to get 2 words in edge wise.
"On the show today, Kevin Von Erich live from Hawaii, yuck monkey Australian news with Rohan Buck, and Avery Johnson ex Mavs coach," explains Brian. Mandy and Brian go over the weekend of sport. Realizing Mandy doesn't have much to offer, Brian recaps the events of what was. loud music interrupts: Scott Scott reports that there has been a wreck on US 75, and that a load of chickens and what seems to be black tar has spilled. Scott Scott throws it back to the studio. Brian looks confused and Mandy is overheard eating twinkies.
Welcoming the first guest, Kevin Von Erich, the Beach Boys Kokomo is playing. Mandy starts off the award winning interview, "what was it like having your whole family snuffed out by sweet sweet holy Jesus?" Kevin spits out something incoherent and hangs up the phone. "Good grief," Brian murmurs. Christy (technical director) goes to a commercial break and ensues to unleash fire and brimstone on Mandy for her unforgettable interview. Brian is heard giggling. Tiffani (financier) comes in wondering why she spent a half a thousand for a guest fee for that failed waste of time. Mandy runs to the bathroom and Brian is left to right the ship. Yuck monkey Rohan's news bit has been scrapped because of the wheels offness of the show. Rohan is seen polishing his bow and arrow. "Avery has called in to say he has a job interview in Bulgaria for the womens olympic basketball team, thus cancelling his interview," Brian explains sadly.
Mandy and Brian preview what will be on the next episode of the Superfriends. "How to make ding dongs, Mark Cuban and Mia Hamm," says Mandy. "heave too, trice up because there is friggin in the riggin!," shouts Brian, as Christy (technical director) furiously goes to network news, Little Tim's Diary.
Goodnight Canada
Superfriends can heard on 93.8 KSFS The Crowsfeet.
P.S. this is a work in progress, so keep your insults and judgements to a minimum.
On this edition, I bring to you what might have been. Long one of my goals in life was to be a sports radio dj. I think I am pretty intelligent when it comes to sports. When it comes to life, no so much, but that is neither here nor there. If life could have played out a little different, this is how it would have gone.
Myself and my friend Mandy, we co-host a daytime sports talk show, called The Crowsfeet. I, of course would be the headline, the main draw, and Mandy would be my trusted sidekick. The hours would be from 11-2 middays. It works out for the best because I can sleep in, go to work, and then punch the clock and go home. My faithful but serviant crew would consist of my beloved friends from my past. They would be my support staff, my lackeys, my gophers.
The Crowsfeet Crew:
Technically Directing: Christy Robinson-Peters
Program Director: Troy Matheny
Yuck Monkey: Rohan Buck
Traffic Reporter: Scott Scott
Financier: Tiffani
Wow, what a cast of characters! I'm glad they signed a waiver allowing me to use their names. Great friends they are!
Some of our topics up for discussion would be, sports, more sports and the occassional eating establishment. This is so cool, my dream job, with some of my close friends. We would every morning eat pig n the blankets, drink a cup of Joe, and read the newly minted Sports Illustrated. Now, Mandy is not up to speed on the topic of sport but she tries hard. I can see this working day after day after day, sending us happily into retirement. All we need to work on is our show entrance music, our show sendoff and somone to answer the phones. Entrance music: Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix. Our sendoff, would consist of Mandy waxing poetic in her Texan/Australian accent. Someone to answer the phone could be Mushmouth Sam. Ah, things are coming together perfectly.
I'll be giving weekly reports on our progress. I'm sure you'll wait with baited breath.
So, look us up on the dial. You can find us on KSFS 93.8 FM
P.S. monetary gifts can be mailed to Coachpeters at 999 wishful thinking lane Arlington Texas.
previously on the Superfriends!
Mandy: (door slams shut)
Brian: (sound of dr. pepper can opening)
Christy: (silence of book reading)
Troy: (guzzle sound of shiner bock)
Trey: (*snore*)
Scott: (getting money)
preshow meeting-10:29 a.m.
Brian: well I'm the first one to arrive, as usual.
Christy: not so fast my grown man husband! I actually was first this morning.
Brian: (schlumps) you're right babe!
Troy: where is Mandy?
Christy: well, she seemed pretty preturbed on the last show.
Trey: why?
Brian: well it seems like she can't handle the pressure. she is like an egg, she cracks easily! get it cracks....................
Christy: wow! can we get on with the fake live radio show, my mango is warming.
Scott: well, the ratings are in, and the last half of the show, the numbers went up!
what ever ya'll are doing keep it up!
Voodoo Child by Jimi Hendrix is whispering through the studio.
Brian: welcome all and one to the Superfriends! hey, wait, why is the music so low, I can barely hear it.
Christy: b/c my sainted mother is coming over and I don't want her to hear the devil music you listen too.
Brian: o ok!
Christy: so, what is on the show today?
Brian: well we are trying to raise Mandy and see where she is? plus, I have Ft. Worth's own, Trap Squad Cartel in studio.
Troy: who?
Trey? who in the hades is that?
Christy: they are a fine upstanding music group from funkytown Ft. Worth.
Trey: oh right, if you like them, then they must be rap.
Brian: anyways, lets not get bogged down. onto our first order of business. where is Mandy?
Troy: well I have a brilliant idea.
Christy: that must be a first! (giggle)
Troy: what Christy?
Christy: huh, o, nothing.
Brian, yes Troy, what is your brilliant idea. grilled cheese sandwiches, again!
Trey: (lol, giggling)
Troy: did you say something Brian.
Brian: I said you liked grilled cheese sandwiches is all.
Troy: o ok. anyways, lets take some calls on where Mandy might be.
Christy: wow, that is a golden idea Troy. (patting him on the head)
Troy: line 1, you're on.
line 1: yes my name is Jonell, I think Mandy is in Australia.
Troy: alright, line 1 we can't verify your information.
Troy: line 2, you're on.
line 2: this is Pedro, this Mandy person was last seen eating chicken and waffles at the downtown Chicken Coop Restaurant.
Trey: where is this Chicken Coop, I must have some. (Trey is seen running out of the studio)
Christy: guys, I know where she is, she is at the Patrick Swayze meet and greet.
by the way, ummmmmm my mother is here and I ummmm need to go. Brian, tuna is in the fridge, see ya at home.
Brian: wait a minute! Christy, where are you going?
Troy: dude, she is going to Patrick Swayze.
Brian (sobbing uncontrollably)
Troy: its all right chief, we'll finish the show in grand style.
Brian: (tearfully) how?
Troy: we'll close the show with some mandatory Metallica!
Brian: (in 5 yr. old girls voice) ok.
Troy: (blares Master of Puppets to cheer downtrodden Brian up)
Scott: hey, what the heck! what in tarnation is going on in here?
why is there a rap group singing in my office?
stay tuned next time to find out what in tarnation is going on!
are Mandy and Christy really going to see Patrick Swayze?
is Trey really going to eat at the Chicken Coop Restaurant?
join us next time on the 93.8 the Superfriends!